Engleza, întrebare adresată de bouleanliviu76, 8 ani în urmă

cine rezolva testul acesta primește coroană si o recenzie bună ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sisiia


1.) I went sailing around the Lake Geneva.

2.) I've been living in (no article) London for six years.

3.)(no article) Danube runs through many European cities.

4.)The Pacific Ocean has many different types of fish.

5.) I love swimming in the Mediterranean.

6.)The Nile is a very beautiful river.

7.) She stayed in (no article) Belgrade for several weeks.

8.) Her husband comes from (no article) California.

9.) They studied the geology of (no article) Sahara Desert.

10.) They crossed the Black Sea by boat.

11.) He has always wanted to visit the Rome.

12.) She lived in(no article) Asia for several years.

13.) I spent a year travelling around the Europe.

14.) Would you like to visit theSouth America?

15.) They live near (no article) Thames.

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