Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Completați cu have sau has (Put in have or has):
1)1... an English book. 5) You ... a little cat.
2) She ... a nice pen. 6) We... a new school.
3) He... a little dog. 7) They... a clean classroom.
4) They... a new teacher. 8) Dan ... a nice pencil-box.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de hopeandfaithever


1. have 2. has 3. has 4. have 5. have 6. have 7. have 8. has

Răspuns de ghiury33


1)has an English book

2)she has a nice pen

3)he has a little dog

4)they have a new teacher

5)you have a little cat

6)we have a new school.

7)they have a clean classroom

8)Dan has a nice pencil-box.

Alte întrebări interesante