Complete spikes description of her Room with the correct prepositions

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My room at the hotel is a bit basic but it's OK. The walls are pale green and there are some plain brown curtains at the windows. ON THE RIGHT of the door there's a bed with a stripped duvet. I keep my radio casette player ON the foor NEXT TO the bed. There's a brown bookcase ABOVE the bed but there aren't any books IN it! NEAR the door there are tow windows. NEAR the windows there's a wardrobe. NEAR the wardrove, on the left, there's a blue and white checked armchair. BESIDES of the wardrove there's a radiator NEXT TO the window with a dest NEAR it. BESIDES of the room there's a washbasin and a wastepapper bin NEAR it. There aren't any pictures ON the walls but there is a noticeboard NEXT TO the desk. Oh, I Forgot, there's also a plain brown carpet on the floor.