Engleza, întrebare adresată de nedelcumarian19, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb and the time adverbials

1 Yes, he/stop work/about an hour . (ago)
2 Oh he/finish for the day? (already)
3 Yes he/cycle into town. (just)
4 He/leave/a mesage for me before he/go?
5 I dont know. you/ask/at the reception desk?
6 No/i/not/be there (yet)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de theodora234
1. Yes, he stopped working about an hour ago.
2. Oh, has he already finished for the day?
3. Yes, he has just cycled into town.
4. Had he left a message for me before he went?
5. I don't know. Have you asked at the reception desk?
6. No, I have not been there yet.

nedelcumarian19: Mersi
theodora234: Cu placere 
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