Engleza, întrebare adresată de abcdefg7, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the sentence with the word from box and learn who King Alfred was.

King Alfred's............. was England. He....... in the 9th century. During his....... Alfred wanted to educate his people. He invited.......... to come from Europe. He ordered monks to write books. He introduced his own laws. He also fought lots of........ .
His........ were the Vikings. He often........ his army to........ against the Vikings.
•cuvintele: fight, reigned, motherland, reign, battles,enemies, gathered, teachers.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
King Alfred's......MOTHERLAND....... was England. He...REIGNED.... in the 9th century. During his....REIGN... Alfred wanted to educate his people. He invited....TEACHERS...... to come from Europe. He ordered monks to write books. He introduced his own laws. He also fought lots of..BATTLES...... .
His..ENEMIES...... were the Vikings. He often...GATHERED.... his army to...FIGHT..... against the Vikings.

1. motherland
2. reigned
3. reign
4. teachers
5. battles
6. enemies
7. gathered
8. fight
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