Engleza, întrebare adresată de terraterra, 9 ani în urmă

complete the sentences by using the past simple or past perfect continous:
1.when leonardo da vinci built his helicopter he_________(work) on his design for many years.He _______(draw)birds in flight to learn about aerodynamics,

2.we__(fly) for twenty minutes when the pilot ____(announce) he had to go back because of bad weather.
3. the teacher_____(ask) for my project on inventions for weeks when i finally_____(give) it to her last Monday
4.i found out why my pen friend_____(not get) my letters. i ______(send) them to the wrong address!
5.our favourite band_________(play) for only ten minutes when there __________9be) a power cut and the  concert had to be cancelled. we were upset because we___(die) to see them for years.

terraterra: sa fie cat mai CORECT PLZ
terraterra: putti scrie numai verbele plz help

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Complete the sentences by using the Past Simple or Past Perfect Continous

Completați enunțurile folosind Past Simple sau Past Perfect Continuous


1. When Leonardo da Vinci built his helicopter he had been working on his design for many years. He had been drawing birds in flight to learn about aerodynamics.

2. We had been flying for twenty minutes when the pilot announced he had to go back because of bad weather.

3. The teacher had been asking for my project on inventions for weeks when I finally gave it to her last Monday.

4. I found out why my pen friends didn't get my letters. I had been sending them to the wrong address!

5. Our favourite band had been playing for only ten minutes when there was a power cut and the concert had to be cancelled. We were upset because we had been dying to see them for years.



1. Past Tense este un timp care exprimă o acțiune încheiată în trecut într-un moment clar definit, în timp ce Past Perfect Continuous exprimă o acțiune de durată, în plină desfășurare, continuă, petrecută înaintea unei alte acțiuni trecute și încheiate.

2. Se poate observa această idee explicând logica uneia dintre frazele de mai sus. Luăm ca exemplu enunțul 4.

I found out why my pen friends didn't get my letters. I had been sending them to the wrong address!

Mi-am dat seama (Past Simple) // (1) de ce prietenii mei corespondenți  nu au primit (Past Simple) scrisorile mele. Le tot trimisesem (Past Perfect Continuous) la adresa greșită.

Firul logic al acțiunilor: întâi am trimis scrisorile (Past Perfect) și apoi mi-am dat seama (Past Tense) de ce aceștia nu le primeau (Past Tense). Prin urmare, pe baza cronologiei acțiunii putem înțelege unde folosim Past Simple și unde folosim Past Perfect. Situația seamănă bine cu utilizarea în limba română a perfectului compus și a mai-mult-ca-perfectului.

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