Engleza, întrebare adresată de adamdariamadalina, 8 ani în urmă

am / 'm not: are / aren't; is / isn't;
have got / haven't got; has got / hasn't got​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de croitorecaterina

Care sunt propozitiile?

adamdariamadalina: 1. We....from Bucharest, Romania. 2. No, he.....a dog, he's got a cat. 3. Mary and Sue.....fair hair. 4. He comes from France. He.....Spanish. 5. Shane.....two brothers and a sister. 6. No, I.....Russian, I.....Egyptian. 7. No, they......Italians, they....Romanians.
croitorecaterina: 1.We are from Bucharest, Romania 2. No, he hasn't got a dog, he's got a cat. 3.
croitorecaterina: 3. Mary and Sue have got fair hair. 4.He is spanish. 5. Shane has two brothers and a sister. 6. No,
croitorecaterina: 6. No I'm not Russian, I'm Egyptian. 7. No, they aren`t Italians, they are Romanians.
croitorecaterina: Sper ca te-am ajutat!
adamdariamadalina: multumesc mult
croitorecaterina: Nu ai pentru ce!
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