Engleza, întrebare adresată de 29sorinela2002, 9 ani în urmă

complete the sentences with the corect forkm of a phrasal verb with give.
My father ....... smoking years ago.
The pop star decided to ... the proceeds of his last concert to charity.
We're going to ... the wildlife leaflets outside the station.
I've got to ... these library books ... by tomorrow
Our team are tough and they won't ... easily.
trebuie sa completezi cu: give away, give out, give back, give up, give in.
dau coroana

29sorinela2002: poti scrie doar raspunsurile

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de KamyChris2001
My father give in smoking years ago.
The pop star decided to give away the proceeds of his last concert to charity.
I've got to give back these library books give out by tomorrow.
Our team are tough and they won't give up easily.

29sorinela2002: multumesc
29sorinela2002: dar poti sa imi spui si mie ce inseamna give away, give out, give up, give back,give in ca imi da gresit cand tre¡aduc
29sorinela2002: te rog fumos
Răspuns de Giigii
1) gave up
2) give away
3) give back / given out
4) give up
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