Engleza, întrebare adresată de geanicu2, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or Continuous. 1 He … (play) tennis twice a week. 2 I … (chat) online now. 3 My mum and dad always … (relax) on Sunday evenings. 4 They often … (go) to the cinema at the weekend. 5 I … (go) to a disco this week
Pana la 2:55 am timp...

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de OanaFocuta

Salut!! :3

1) He plays tennis twice a week.

2) I am chatting online now.

3) My mum and dad always relax on Sunday evenings.

4) They often go to the cinema at the weekend.

5) I am going to a disco this week.

Baftă la școală :3

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