Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreimorariu94, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the suitable object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them. PLESE IN 5 MINUTS!!!!!

This is a good film. Do you know ………………… ?
We are going out. Do you want to come with ………………… ?
It’s your anniversary. This present is for ………………… !
Anna is my friend. I like ………………… .
Nick is in my class. I sit next to ………………… .
Where’s my pen? I can’t find ………………… .
Here are my parents. Do you know ………………… ?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de radusiionut9728


1) it






radusiionut9728: stiu ca sunt 7 dar nu am stiut la toate
andreimorariu94: ok.
andreimorariu94: O sa ma concentrez eu
andreimorariu94: mai mult
andreimorariu94: sau raspunde altcineva
radusiionut9728: Have fun!
andreimorariu94: ai putea totusi sa incerci la 7?
andreimorariu94: pls
radusiionut9728: cred ca e them
andreimorariu94: multumesc!!pt asta si inima!!
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