Engleza, întrebare adresată de andrei19, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the text with the past simple , past continuous or past perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets .
My sister and I (never/be) ..........to Sweden before so we (look forward) ..........to our trip . We (catch) .......the train from London to the ferry terminal at Harwich , but while we (walk) towards the ferry , we (hear)....... that it (not/arrive) ......from Sweden yet because a bad storm ( blow up).........during the morning . The ferry finally ( arrive) .......at midnight after we (spend) ......eight hours playing cards and drinking coffe.
Urgent ! Multumesc !

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Complete the text with the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect Simple form of the verbs in brackets .

Completați textul cu formele de Past Tense Simple, Past Tense Continuous sau Past Perfect Simple ale verbelor din paranteze.

My sister and I had never been to Sweden before so we were looking forward to our trip. We caught the train from London to the ferry terminal at Harwich, but while we were walking towards the ferry, we heard that it had not arrived from Sweden yet because a bad storm was blowing up during the morning. The ferry finally arrived at midnight after we had spent eight hours playing cards and drinking coffee.



  • my sister and I had never been - Past Perfect Simple
  • we were looking forward - Past Continuous
  • we caught - Past Simple
  • we were walking - Past Continuous
  • we heard - Past Simple
  • it had not arrived - Past Perfect Simple
  • a bad storm was blowing up - Past Continuous
  • the ferry finally arrived - Past Simple
  • we had spent - Past Perfect Simple

Timpul Past Tense Simple exprimă o acțiune petrecută și încheiată în trecut, în timp ce Paste Tense Continuous arată un aspect progresiv (s-a derulat pe o perioadă continuă).

Past Tense Simple se traduce în română prin perfect compus sau perfect simplu, iar Past Tense Continuous prin imperfect.

Past Perfect Tense exprimă o acțiune anterioară unei acțiuni trecute. În română se traduce prin mai mult ca perfectul.

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Matematică, 9 ani în urmă