Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

compune o compunere între doi colegi care vorbesc despre animalul preferat

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Răspuns de Alexbrosteanu
My favorite animal is the dog . I like having dogs ever since I was a little girl . Imagine my joy when parents presented as a gift to 10 years adorable puppy . He had white fur and a beautiful pair of eyes which makes him adorable . He was very friendly and gave enthusiastic tail . I called " dog " and I love him still. As I expected, the dog was one of the most loving pets that you 've had. Always sitting next to me and gave the stem and his eyes looked adorable. How can you not love him ? When the puppies grow and become dogs are not necessarily so nice but all are man's best friends . The saying that " dog , man's best friend " is very true because dog owners remain loyal until the day they die . Dogs are intelligent and useful animals . It helps to keep the house . When strangers approach your house they barking loudly at them. Some dogs are trained to gasesasca victims after natural disasters, calamities and can also find people lost in the jungle or forest. Also , the police dogs that can sniff drugs or explosives. They are also able to identify suspects or people who escaped from jail. I was surprised to find out that when a police dog killed on duty is offered a funeral just like the cops .
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