Engleza, întrebare adresată de Lucian03, 9 ani în urmă

compune-ti un eseu despre primavara

Lucian03: da
Lucian03: sau in romana si o sa-l traduc
rotarugabriela1: Buna Lucian
rotarugabriela1: Salut

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CojocaruCarina
Spring is certainly the best season of the year. Most of the people are fond of this season. It is the favorite season of poets. It is called the queen of seasons.
Spring comes after the winter season. It begins from the middle of February and lasts till the middle of April. As the spring season sets in, the earth looks lovely and charming. The trees put forth new leaves.
The nature looks charming and many kinds of beautiful flowers bloom during this season. The lovely roses win our hearts. When we walk in a garden, we are enchanted by the dazzling colors of flowers. As a matter of fact spring is the season of beautiful flowers. Bees are very busy during this season. They move from one flower to another in search of honey. We see the beautiful butterflies flying about.
In conlusion , spring gives you a powerful feeling of pleasure and happines.

Răspuns de Adelina1231
Spring is here,spring is here!
I love ,ilove this time of year!
Its a very windy day today.
Come with me to the park to play!
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