Engleza, întrebare adresată de casselena625, 8 ani în urmă

compunere în limba engleză despre Pasiunea mea preferată actoria și actorul Favorit​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de denis3813
Sper sa te ajuteee!!
Răspuns de lucianitu


  • I love acting and it is my favorite passion. I love the feeling of being someone else and pretending to be someone else. It is a great way to escape from reality and to explore different parts of myself. I also love the feeling of being in the moment and being completely present. When I am acting, I am completely focused on the present moment and I am not thinking about anything else. I also love the feeling of being in control of my own performance and being able to create my own reality.
  • My favorite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio. I love his work in The Revenant and The Wolf of Wall Street. He is an amazing actor and he always gives a great performance. I also love his work in environmental documentaries and his work to raise awareness about climate change. He is a great role model and he is someone who I look up to.

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