Engleza, întrebare adresată de teostile, 9 ani în urmă

compunere la engleza ,,summer camps in Moldova'' in 50-80 cuvinte

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For the past seven years, the Lord has placed a burden on our hearts for the beautiful country and people of Cahul, Moldova. By God's grace, we have participated in the ongoing work of the local church in Cahul through their annual sports camp and our anti-sex trafficking ministry SOS, Save Our Sisters.  We have delighted in participating in the annual summer camp in years past and we rejoice in our opportunity return to Cahul this summer. The summer sports camp reaches over one hundred teens each summer with the hope and joy of the gospel. Throughout the week of camp, we will spend time building relationships with the teens in times of daily bible study, sports activities, and worship. This week of camp not only provides the opportunuity for us to spread the love of Christ to the teens from the community, but also the chance to encourage the local church in their ongoing work of discipleship and evangelism.
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