Engleza, întrebare adresată de Nica21222, 9 ani în urmă

Compunere pe tema:Music is a Part of My World

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Răspuns de lauradove
 It is well known people tend to listen to music daily and in every mood .
 Music does help a lot ,it is a source of happiness ,of freedom, of saving.For me ,life wouldn't be the same without music ,as i play it from the moment i wake up when i'm getting ready for school and it motivates me to star a new day and be positive ,then i put on my headphones when i am on the road so that i can think in peace and be a dreamer without having to get annoyed by some calling names or anything.I do believe  music is inspirational and as long as you expand horizons you can explore some areas so at the end of the day you'll have a better point of view about life and a more cultural taste af art. :)

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