COROANA!!! la engleza am de descris un obiect . eu am facut compunerea . AM NEVOIE DE TRADUCEREA EI IN ENGLEZA !!!
"Am ales sa-mi descriu telefonul.Este smartphone , Allview P6 life .L-am primit drept recompensa de la parintii mei drept recompensa pentru notele luate la examen .
Telefonul este de culoare neagra, destul de mare si foarte folositor. Il utilizez, in special pentru a face poze , a asculta muzica si a vorbi cu prietenii si famila.
In timp ce folosesc telefonul ma simt foarte bine . Daca ma plictisesc , sigur gasesc sa fac ceva pe telefon . Fie ca ma joc , fie ca ascult muzica sau editez ceva.Telefonul este cel care ma ajuata sa imi ocup timpul plictisitor ."
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
I choise to describe my smartphone, Allview P6 life. I got it as reward from my parent for greats taken at exam.
My phone is black, quite big and very useful. I using for making photos, listening music and talking with my friends and family. I'm feeling very good while i'm using my phone. If i get bored, i can make something on my phone. Whether i play games, listening music or editing something. My phone is the think who can help me when i'm bored.
My phone is black, quite big and very useful. I using for making photos, listening music and talking with my friends and family. I'm feeling very good while i'm using my phone. If i get bored, i can make something on my phone. Whether i play games, listening music or editing something. My phone is the think who can help me when i'm bored.
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