Engleza, întrebare adresată de MRMRMR, 8 ani în urmă

Correct or not?
1.When I got to the party everybody had a great time...
2.When Columbus left Europe, he thought he sailed to India....
3.Everybody was knowing that she was unhappy...
4.We lived in New York when I was small....
5.Did you want to pay now?...
6.I was learing the violin at school....
7.Where I grew up,nobody was having a car....
8.We were on the wrong road.It went to Birmingham, not Manchester....
9.When I was seeing Joe, he was talking to Angela....
10.I broke my leg while I was skiing....
11.When the music started, everybody stood up....
12.I wondered if you were free this evening....
13.I was smoking when I was younger......
14.The Moreton family was living in that house for 300 years.....
15.When the police were stopping him, he carried two guns.....

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Răspuns de adqewr
1 da
2 nu 
3 nu 
4 da
5 da 
6 da
7 nu (aici nu sunt sigura)
8 da 
9 da
10 da
11 nu 
12 nu
13 nu stiu sigur

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