Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1.As soon as the plumber wil repair the pipes , we will into our new house
2.Supper is cooking by our mother now
3. A person whose ocupation is making clothes is called a salesman
4when work is a pleasure ,life is a slavery
5. Our engagement will be announced yesterday
6 My parents advices are always wise
7.This childrens marks are excellent
8. Monica asked where had you bought that microwave
9.Yeast are mecessary for this dough
10. Waiter ,bring me a white bread,please
OFER CORONITA V A ROG FRUMOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Yam
As soon as the plumber will repair,we will go into our new house.
Supper is cooked by our mother now.
A person who's ocupation is making clothes is called a salesman.
When work is a slavery,life is a pleasure.
Our engagement will be announced tomorrow.
My parent's advices are always wisely.
The children's marks are excellent.
Monica asked where have you bought that microwave.
Yeast is necessary for this dough.
Wait,bring me a white bread,please.

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