Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

cum fac nu stiu va rog ajutați-mă dau coroana​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Arthemys13



1.what do you think about athletics?

I think it's pretty hard

2.I would like to play golf?

yes I would

3 .you could handle playing rugby?

I don't think so, but it's a fun game

4 have I ever snowboarded?

Yes, I did and it's great

5.what do you think about surfing?

it's a pretty dangerous sport considering you have to keep your balance

Arthemys13: coroană?
Răspuns de mbc220861



1. What do you think about athletics?

I think it is quite difficult because you have to train hard every day.

2. What does she think about rugby?

She thinks it is a tough sport and only tough men can practice it.

3. What does he think about golf?

He thinks it is interesting but you have to play a lot to be a good golf player.    

4. What do they think about surfing?

They think it is a spectacular sport but you have to be very well balanced to resist on the surfing board.

5. What do I think about snowboarding?

I think it is very funny when you do it once or twice a week but it is not as funny when you have to do it every day.

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