Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

DA-U COROANA !! Which sentence comes first ? Write one sentence with First and one sentence with After that .

you repeat them/you listen to the new words
First you listen to the new words.After that you repeat them.

1. let's have a coffee here/we can go home
2.clean your teeth/have your breakfast
3.do your homework/you can watch television
4.answer the questions about it/read the story
5.you can have an ice cream/have your lunch
6.read the sentences/copy them into your exercise books

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Demonic
1 - First let's have a coffee here.
     After that we can go home.
2 - First have your breakfast.
     After that clean your teeth.
3 - First do your homework.
     After that you can watch television.
4 - First read the story.
     After  that answer the questions about it.
5 - First have your lunch.
     After  that you can have your ice cream.
6 - First read the sentences.
     After that copy them into your exercise books.
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