Engleza, întrebare adresată de Angelkiss, 9 ani în urmă

Dau 100 de puncte si coroana.Scrieti in limba
engleza un scurt text din 6-8 propozitii despre ceea ce putem face pentru a proteja natura.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de krmen91
Every person in this world can do something to protect the nature. Even little children can learn how to protect it. For example we can stop throwing litter on the streets or on the grass. We could walk more on feet or ride the bycicle instead of going to work or to school with our cars. Also we could use more the public transportation. We can also plant more trees. I think that the feeling you have after planting a tree is the most enjoyable.We can learn how to recycle things, and how to save water. 
Răspuns de imBjerg
Nature is everything.If we dont protect her why does she will protect us with her oxygen? We gotta save nature. We gotta stop polute,we gotta stop throwing trash on the streets,the factories should be more efficient and less toxic,WE GOTTA START ACTING DIFFERENT. WE NEED TO PROTECT THE ENVIOREMENT. So if you want this change,start with you,with the little things.
Sper ca te-am ajutat daca vrei completari imi dai mesaj :)

krmen91: Ai cam multe greseli gramaticale in ceea ce ai scris, chiar daca ideea ar fi fost corecta. Mai ales faptul ca la nature i-ai atribuit pronumele she/her e gresit la nature i se atribuie it
imBjerg: Serios? Natura e de gen feminin,si crede-ma ce am gresit?Am fost si in alta tara fiindca stiu engleza :)
imBjerg: Amandoua sunt corecte dupa parerea mea
imBjerg: si It si She/her
krmen91: depinde de la prof la prof cum preda, eu stiu ca her se foloseste mai mult in vorbirea orala, dar oricum la prop. why does she will protect us.... corect era why would she/it protect us... sau why will she protect us... si la scoala nu se prea foloseste gotta ci got to  si environment 
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