Engleza, întrebare adresată de maximmurza56, 8 ani în urmă

Dau 6lei și Coroana trebuie URGENT​


tar: cu placere ,dar nu sunt sigura

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tar


He thought that father had repaired his bicycle

he had told me that he went to school

he asked if you skate last winter

she said that she will go to Paris this summer

she said to go to the blackboard

maximmurza56: Mulțumesc
tar: cu placere ,dar nu sunt sigura ca e corect
Răspuns de charmed

he thought that father had repaired his bike

he told me he had gone to school

he asked if i had skated last winter

she said that she would go to paris

she told me (ordered) to go to the blackboard

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