Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Scrie verbele din paranteza la trecutul simplu:
Mr and Mrs White live in a large city . One warm spring Sunday they_______ (go) to the country . They ____________ (take) their little doggy with them. Mrs White _________(put) some bread, butter, cheese , fruits and a cake in a basket. They ____________(sit) under a large tree and ___________(eat) lunch . They ________(talk) about their trip to Wales and their new house . In the afternoon they_________(walk) in the fieldes and __________(pick) flowers. They _______(return) home in the evening.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de WildBelle
1. went;
2. took;
3. put;
4. sat;
5. ate;
6. talked;
7. walked;
8. picked;
9. returned.
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