Engleza, întrebare adresată de nirolf2008, 9 ani în urmă

Dau coroana:
Vreau verbul ”to write” conjugat la toate persoanele (perfect simplu....

ddelia23: am terminat
ddelia23: sa imi spui daca am ratat vreun timp
nirolf2008: leai copiat
ddelia23: nup
nirolf2008: bada
nirolf2008: she/he si it dece leai pus cu bara is la fel
ddelia23: he inseamna el , she inseamna ea si it e pentru obiecte
ddelia23: au aceasi forma
ddelia23: la conjugat
nirolf2008: ok

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ddelia23
Present perfect
I have written
You have written
He has written
She has written
It has written
We have written
You have written
They have written

Present continuous I am writing
you are writing
he/she/it is writing
we are writing
you are writing
they are writing

Future I will write
you will write

he/she/it will write
we will write
you will write
they will write

Present I write
you write
he/she/it writes
we write

you write

they write

Past I wrote
you wrote

he/she/it wrote
we wrote
you wrote
they wrote

Future continuous I will be writing
you will be writing
he/she/it will be writing
we will be writing
you will be writing

they will be writing

Past continuous I was writing
you were writing
he/she/it was writing
we were writing
you were writing
they were writing

Past perfect I had written
you had written
he/she/it had written
we had written

you had written
they had written

Past perfect continuous I had been writing
you had been writing
he/she/it had been writing
we had been writing
you had been writing

they had been writing

Future perfect continuous I will have been writing
you will have been writing
he/she/it will have been writing
we will have been writing

you will have been writing

they will have been writing

nirolf2008: ce timp este asta scrie si timpul
ddelia23: present perfect
nirolf2008: am spus la toate persoanele!
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