de completat cu present continuous sau future simple (will /shall+first form)
va rog din suflet sa ma ajutați cu toate intrebarile sau cat de mult puteti puse recent la engleză pe contul nevoie de rezolvari pana astăzi la ora 11:30!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
13.1 Will you walk home ?
2. You will get soaked .
3.I will bring it back tommorow.
14. 1. I shall have another window put in .
2.They will start working on it tommorow.
3.That shall make the room much brighter.
15. 1. Will you take any exams this term ?
2.Yes , I will take an english exam at the end of the month.
3. Do you think you will pass ?
4.If I dont , I will take it again at the end of the next term.
16. 1.Where you will meet Tom ?
2.We will meet at the Convent Garden .
3.He shall take me to see The Magic Flute.
17. 1.What will you do next weekend ?
2. If its fine we shall go somewhere in the car
3. If its wet we shall probably stay at home
18. 1. When will Jack arrive ?
2.And how will he get here ?
3.I suppose he shall come by car.
19. 1. What will they do for their holidays ?
2. They will go camping .
3.And what will happen with their dog ?
4. They will take the dog with them .
5. I think he will enjoy it more than they will.
O sa mai continui putin mai tarziu daca o sa mai ai nevoie .
Sa imi zici daca ai nelamuriri .