de completat cu tense forms(va rog sa ma ajutați cat se poate de repedee)!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Pot ajuta!♡
Julie always wants to be famous, ever since she was young. She takes acting classes for years and last week someone offerd her a oart in a advertisement. They only needed her voice, though , because it's going to be on the radio. At least her career starts. Tom saved up to go to France for months , and yesterday when he counted his savings he realised he had enough. Unfortunately as he drived to the travel agent's he rememberd that he not payed his rent for two months so he turned round and drived back home again. Next month I visited my friend who lives in Brazil. The flight from London took about fifteen hours and I never been on a plane before. I felt quite nervous about the journey but my friend keeps telling me that there beeing nothing to worry about.
Mă bucur că am ajutat!♡