Engleza, întrebare adresată de Georox6, 10 ani în urmă

De tradus :
1) Sunt sigur ca daca mergem mai repede prindrem si autobuzul de doisprazece.
2)Am vrut sa vad acel film dar nu aveam suficienti bani la mine.
3) Este foarte dificil sa aleg ,floarea asta este la fel de frumoasa ca aceia iar preturile sunt la fel.
4)Imi face mai putina placere sa citesc romane politiste decat sa citesc romana SF.
5)Apa asta nu este suficient de rece ca sa uzi florile.
6)Are el suficiente informati sa duca proiectul la bun sfarsit?
7)Ma asculta-i in timp ce vorbeam cu tine sau visai in alta parte.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Amizet
1) I'm sure that if we moved faster, we would catch the twelve o'clock bus.
2) I wanted to watch that movie but I didn't have enough money.
3) It's very difficult for me to choose. This flower is as beautiful as the other one, but their prices are the same.
4) It's less of a pleasure for me to read detective novels than to read SF novels.
5) This water isn't cold enough to water the flowers.
6) Has he got enough information to finish the project?
7) Were you listening to me while I was talking to you, or were you daydreaming?

Sper că a 7-a a fost întrebare. 
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
1) I'm sure if we go faster prindrem and twelfth bus . 2) I wanted to see that movie but I had enough money to me. 3) It is very difficult to choose , this flower is as beautiful as those and the prices are the same. 4 ) It gives me less pleasure than reading novels to read Romanian SF . 5) Water that is not cold enough to water the flowers . 6) Does he have enough information to carry out the project ? 7 ) listen to them while talking to you or dreamed of elsewhere. Asta este raspunsul.
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