Engleza, întrebare adresată de Rebeca201, 8 ani în urmă

Describe a Member of your family.(un pic mai lung) Repede!!!Dau coroana!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gabiboss8
Hi! I am ... (scrii numele tau).Today I want to presinte you a member of my family. My mum is called ... (numele ei). She has ... eyes, ... hair and she is ... (o trasatura morala a ei). That's my mum.
Bună! Eu sunt (...).Astăzi vrau să îți prezint un membru al familiei mele. Pe mama mea o cheamă (...). Ea are ochii (...), parul (...) şi este (...). Aceasta este mama mea.
Răspuns de nupreaoamcuromana
My mother

My mother is the most important person in my family for me. I can’t imagine my life without her.
She is beautiful, this may sound mainstream but she really is the most beautiful mother I’ve ever seen, because she has (brown) hair and her eyes are just like a magic mirror to her pure soul. She loves to cook and her recipies are always delicious and perfectly made, she educated me so well. She is a pet lover and we have a dog and two cats, I learned so many things from her, is incredible.
She is my mother and I admire her.
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