Engleza, întrebare adresată de corduneanui, 10 ani în urmă

Describe an English Classroom of the year 2050 in some 6-8 sentences.
(Descrie o clasă în limba engleză a anului 2050, în unele 6-8 propoziții.)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Schools are acquiring new technology all of the time. It started with overhead projectors and then computers and is now evolving into a way of teaching. There is now e-mail, the internet, on-line classrooms and information at the touch of a button. In the future classrooms will be run with technology. By the year 2050 it will be possible for classrooms to be run solely with technology, but the need for social interaction will keep kids physically attending school. "But schooling is more than just learning. Despite all the new technology in 2050, school remains a social occasion, even if sometimes that interaction is through a wall-sized display module" 
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