Engleza, întrebare adresată de antonicaalexan, 9 ani în urmă

Describe in 100 words a past event that had a great impact on you.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard
This happened two or three years ago, on a hot summer day. I was as friendly and polite as always with anyone around me at that time, that's how I had been raised. I was outside, playing with my friends, when one of the kids stopped near a red car and said:

"Oh, look, the window of this car is broken! Wow! We can steal things!"

We tried to explain to George that it was not a right thing to do and he concluded that there was nothing to steal anyway. When we least expected anything to go wrong, he took out a match, lit it and threw it inside the car.

Of course, being afraid of a possible explosion, we ran away. A neighbour had seen the scene and called the Fire Department and the Police, because the car was already on fire. It was a shocking view and everyone began to move their cars at a considerable distance from the huge torch.

Ever since then I have started to choose my friends more carefully. I dislike getting into trouble as that boy did.
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