Engleza, întrebare adresată de Vasiliza, 9 ani în urmă

Describe in 100 words what foreigners should know about greeting habits in Moldova.
(Descrie în 100 de cuvinte ceea ce ar trebui să știe străini despre obiceiurile de întîmpinare în Moldova) În engleză

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Describe in 100 words what foreigners should know about greeting habits in Moldova.



The Moldavians are very warm people who will make the foreigners feel more than welcome in their country. Their greeting habits may surprise many of the visitors from other states.

First of all, in the countryside the Moldavians greet each other whether they know each other or not. They will say "Good morning!" until about 11 o'clock, "Good afternoon!" between 12 pm and about 5 pm, "Good evening!" until about 9 or 10 pm and "Good night!" at the end of the day.

In the urban areas, only the persons who know each other (such as neighbours, relatives, friends, colleagues, teachers) will greet each other.

Men generally shake hands and they may say "Hello!", "Hi!" or "Cheers!" (meaning "Good luck!") and very close friends or relatives will kiss one another on the cheek or they will hug when they meet.

Another interesting way of greeting is kissing the hand of a woman when a man is introduced to her on a special occasion. But even then she is the one who will initiate the man's gesture, if she offers her hand.

This close and warm way of greeting is also common to Romanians, the two countries are "sisters" after all, aren't they?

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