Engleza, întrebare adresată de cretuelenadeni, 9 ani în urmă

Describe your best friend.

cretuelenadeni: in 11 randuri in engleza si corect va rooog
cretuelenadeni: fara google translate sau prostii de genu

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marymovileanu
A friend is a person who is very close to you, a person you love just like your own brother, and always helps you. I consider friendships to be brother-like love. 
Not all people have met a true, trustful, best friend yet. But, luckily, I have. And I'm really glad. 
My friend's name is Ștefania. She has long, wavy brown hair, with shining blue eyes, and always smiling. 
I have known her for 7 years, and I wonder where would I be now without her.
She is great. She is really smart and funny. She is really good at playing the piano, and has a huge imagination and memory. She is also good at making compositions in her original, sensitive way. Also, she is really good at sports.
We are basically oppsites. She's good at creating, I'm with logics. She loves sports, I love laying in bed. She is quite serious, or at least tries to be like it, but I love fooling around, which always makes her laugh.
But, we also have some hobbies in common. We both use our phones a lot, we have (mostly) the same tastes in music, clothes and food. We listen to dubstep, like black clothes, and love pizza.
I love her, because, even though I can be annoying, she doesn't really care. She loves having me around, and so do I with her.

cretuelenadeni: u am nevoie de ceva gunel: prietena mea ce mai buna este.... ei ii place ... are parul... ochii...
cretuelenadeni: in genul acesta am nevoie
marymovileanu: of, să mai încerc o dată atunci =))
cretuelenadeni: ok...mersi mult
cretuelenadeni: si sa scrii tot ce se poate : parul ochii hobbi, mancare preferata, cat de buna e sufleteste daca e ambitioasa etc
cretuelenadeni: de cat timp suntem prietene..
marymovileanu: sper ca e mai bine 
cretuelenadeni: e bine.
marymovileanu: eventual, dacă vrei să descvrii pe altcineva, te bazezi pe aceeași structură și folosești alte caracteristici
cretuelenadeni: ok mersi
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