Engleza, întrebare adresată de buburuzaxxx, 9 ani în urmă

discribe most interesting place on Earth(10 randuri)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de apandashow
I think that the most interesting place on earth is the Pink Lake in Australia !
The lake's colour is baby pink and it is 4km long.
This lake is a very interesting natural phenomenon , there is nothing like it anywhere else in the world !
The magnificent lake is surrounded by many tress and forests , not many people live around the area it is located in .
What is most interesting about this mysterious lake is that once you take the water out of the lake it turns to a normal colour and it will no longer be pink .
This lake is positioned in Western Australia . I think that it is extremely interesting because we do not usually associate the colour pink to lakes , this makes the lake unusual and very rare . Many people are afraid of the lake thinking that it is toxic but in reality the lake is harmless . I think that visiting this lake would be an amazing experience that you will never forget . This lake looks like a swimming pool of bubble gum and to me this is astonishing !

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