Engleza, întrebare adresată de stirbualexia27, 8 ani în urmă

E urgent!! Dau coroana!!
Write a short review (100-120 words) of a gadget you own. Use the questions to help you.
• What is the gadget?
• What does it look like?
• What can you do with it?
• What do you like about it?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de BirtaKarla


My gadget is a phone.It is rectangular and it is blue.It has 2 cameras which I can make photos or videos with.

As I said, I can make photos, or videos,play games, call anyone, write a message or an email,watch something,listen to music and so many other things.

I like so much the way it looks, the photos which I make with this phone and I really love that I can talk with my relatives, which doesn't live in my town, or in my country.

I really love my gadget!

Sper că te-am ajutat!

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