Engleza, întrebare adresată de stirbualexia27, 8 ani în urmă

E urgent!! Va rog! Dau coroana!!
Write a short story (100–120 words) about an interesting day in your life. Use the questions to help you.
• Where were you?
• Who were you with?
• What happened?
• Why was it an interesting day?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de BirtaKarla


It was on Sunday.Me and my parents decided to go to my grandparents house.We wanted to make a surprize to my gradparents so we brought with us two books that we know that my grandparents want to read.

On our way to my grandparents we met a puppy which was hurt.My dad stopped the car and we got out.We went to the puppy.It was crying.I took him in my arms and then we got back in the car.I was really happy that I could help this puppy.So, when I got to my grandparents, I bandageg his right leg, because this was injured.

We were lucky because my grandparents really needed a puppy so we kept him there and it was happy.

I think it was an interesting day because I could help a little creature, but, I could help my grandparents too.

stirbualexia27: Multumesc mult!
BirtaKarla: Cu mare plăcere!Ca să știi, în text spuneam că eu și familia mea am plecat la bunici și am întâlnit pe drum un cățel rănit la un picior și că am fost norocoși, deoarece bunicii chiar aveau nevoie de un cățel, așa că l-am bandajat și l-am lăsat acolo și el era fericit.
stirbualexia27: Da, am inteles :)
BirtaKarla: ok☺️
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