E urgenttt va rog! Acestea 2 va rogggg dau coroana!!!!!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
ex 3)) Marco already scored ten scores for the team this year I havent got my lunch We havent been to the new museum I got something to eat already Paula has already finished her english project
3. Correct the sentences.
- Marco has already scored ten goals for the team this year.
- I haven't had my lunch yet.
- We haven't been t9 the new museum yet.
- I have already had something to eat.
- Paula has already finished her English Project.
4. Make sentences in the present perfect using yet, already and the verbs from the box.
- We haven't/have not learned about France yet. = Nu am invatat despre Franta inca.
- You have been a good student this year. = Ai fost un student bun acest an.
- Has she tried seeing a doctor? = Ea a incercat sa o vada un doctor?
- They have visited us for weeks in a row. = Ei ne-au vizitat săptămâni la rand.
- Have you read the book i borrowed you? = Ai citit cartea pe care ti-am imprumutat-o?
- I haven't/have not seen the movie yet. = Nu am vazut filmul inca.
- She has already played with every toy there is. = Ea deja s-a jucat cu toate jucariile care exista.
Affirmative: S + HAVE + vb(infinitiv)+ed/vb 3rd form
Negative: S + HAVE + NOT + vb(infinitiv)+ed/vb 3rd form
Interrogative: HAVE + S + vb(infinitiv)+ed/vb 3rd form + ?
- Ce inseamna vb 3rd form? Verbele neregulate au 3 forme: prima este cea de infinitiv/prezent (do) a doua este cea past simple (did) iar a treia este cea past participal (done).
- Verbelor regulate se adauga terminatia -ED.
- HAVE este verbul auxiliar in timpul Present Perfect, si nu i se schimba timpul.
Daca ai intrebari legate de exercitii, lasă-le in comentarii! Mult succes!!!