Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihaelaiubareata18, 8 ani în urmă

engleza clasa a 3 a cine ma poate ajuta​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Damaya

has este doar pt pers a treia singular (she, is , he)

1. 1 has got

2 has got

3 have got

4 has got

5 has got

6 have got

7 has got

8 has got

9, 10,11 , 12 has got la toate

2. hasn't got

2 haven't got

3 ,5,6, hasn't got

7 haven't got

8 hasn't got

9 haven't got

10, 11 hasn't got

3. 1 Has Sandra got a camera?

No she hasnt got

2 Has Andrew got....

No he hasn't got

3 Have they got....

No they haven't got

4 Has Sandra got....

No she hasnt got

5 Has Andrew got....

No he hasn't got

6 Have they got.....

Yes they have got

7 Has Sandra got....

No she hasnt got

8 Has Andrew got...

No, he hasnt got

9 Has Sandra got

No, she hasnt got

10 Has Andrew got

Yes he has got

11 Has Sandra got

No she hasnt got

12 Has Andrew got

Yes he has got

Alte întrebări interesante