Engleza, întrebare adresată de AlinaElena021, 9 ani în urmă

ex. A si B(Daca sunt intrebari si din textul acesta va rog sa imi spuneti si la B) va rog am mare nevoie., Dau coroana si puncte , am nevoie urgent.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 102533

A.1. Deadwood was a small town with hundreds of gold miners, wild people, gamblers and gunfighters.

2. Calamity Jane was wild, an exelent horse rider, she could use a gun, drink wisky and making trouble.

B 1. Calamity's real name was Martha Jane Canarray.

2. Most of historians think that she was born in Missouri in 1849.

3. In 1863 her family left the farm and travelled west.

4. Yes, some people say that she got maried after she left the farm.

5. In 1866, Jane started travelling and she went from town to town looking for work.

6. She wasn't afraid of hard or dangerous work. She was a labourer (with the Union Pacific Railroad), she worked as a mule driver, she was a scout (with the United States Cavalry), she also worked on the famous Deadwood Stage.

7. Working on the Deadwood Stage was dangerous because, the stage coach was often attacked by bandits, and by mountain lions.

8. When Jane walked into a saloon the other customers were shouting '' Here comes Calamity'' meaning ''Here comes trouble'', because she used to fire off her guns and break mirrors and bottles. That's how Jane got her nickname.

AlinaElena021: ma mai poti ajuta la engleza cu ceva
AlinaElena021: o sa pun acum intrebarile si o sa-ti dau si acolo coroana
AlinaElena021: si am mare nevoie de ajutor
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