Exercițiul 2
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Răspunsuri la întrebare
2 > Use the prompts to write sentences in the second conditional.
If I (be) you/ I (not play) with those matches.
If I were you, I wouldn't play with those matches.
If you (know) him better / you (not lend) him your tent.
- If you knew him better, you wouldn't lend him your tent.
You most likely do not know him better.
What (you / do) / if you (find) £20 on the ground?
- What would you do, if you found £20 on the ground?
Este greu de crezut că vei găsi pe jos £20.
(you / spend) the money or (you / save) if / if you (win) £1,000?
- Would you spend the money or would you save it, if you won £1,000?
Nu e probabil să câștigi - folosim cond. de tip 2.
Where (you / go) / if you (can) travel anywhere in the world?
- Where would you go, if you could travel anywhere in the world?
Nu prea e probabil că vei putea alege orice destinație din lume.
I (not go) out with him / if I (be) her.
- I wouldn't go out with him, if I were her.
Dar nu sunt ea. Aș putea fi in locul ei, dar nu e probabil.
If I (not be) late for work / (help) you.
- If I weren't late for work, I would help you.
Este deja cam târziu, e probabil că nu pot să îți ajut.
If you (can) be anyone, anywhere, at any time in history / who (you) / choose) to be?
- If you could be anyone, anywhere, at any time in history, who would you choose to be?
I (not have) to help with the washing-up / if you (buy) a dishwasher
- I wouldn't have to help with the washing-up, if you bought a dishwasher
What (you / say) to Jim Carrey / if you (meet) him?
- What would you say to Jim Carrey, if you met him?
Am lăsat spre a fi completate motivele pentru care avem conditional type 2 în ultimele două fraze.
➩➫ Second conditional
Conditional Sentence Type 2
→ Este posibil dar de loc probabil că va fi îndeplinită condiția.
if + Simple Past / main clause with Conditional (= would + base form)
Propoziția care începe cu if are verbul la Simple Past.
Propoziția cealaltă, principală, are verbul la Conditional.
If I were you, I would leave right away.
I would leave right away if I were you.
Would I leave right away, if I were you?
I wouldn't stay here any longer if I were you.
Observăm că verbele au păstrat aceeași formă.
-dacă avem negație sau o întrebare procedăm în același mod.
Căutăm exemple - din dicționar, din cartea de gramatică. (Merriam Webster, și celelalte resurse)