Engleza, întrebare adresată de ele13, 9 ani în urmă

exercitiul 3 va rog mult .


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Solaris
- I would like to ask you some questions about your experience here in Romania. Could you spare some of your time to answer some questions? - Yes, sure, I'm happy to help. - I was wondering how long have you been living here? - I first came here as a child when my mom married my dad who is 100% Romanian and then they decided to settle down in this city. - So then I was thinking if you have enjoyed your stay so far? - Romania is a beautiful country for anyone who has eyes to observe its incredible landscapes, authentic architecture and of course nice and welcoming people. - I am glad to hear that. - What do you miss the most about your country? - I guess the weather. In Australia we have the warmest and most inviting weather, lots of opportunities to be outside. I had to get accustomed to facing long harsh winters. - I see. And have you made some Romanian friends? - Of course. It would be impossible not to. I admire the kindness and openness of locals and have grown very fond of them. I have learned a lot from Romanians, they are quite resourceful when they set their minds to something. - Thank you for your time. - It has been my pleasure.

ele13: multumesc
Solaris: Cu plăcere.
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