Engleza, întrebare adresată de lihetmia8p6gseh, 9 ani în urmă

Familia mea!Locuiesc alături de sora, cumnatul și nepotul meu.Eu: Am 13 ani, sunt născută pe 21 octombrie 2005, zodia mea este BALANȚA, sunt clasa a-8-a și studiez la școală .......... , îmi place să dorm, sa desenez și să mă joc pe telefon, majoritatea timpului Mi-l petrec cu nepotul meu.Sora mea: Are 27 ani, este născută pe data de 10 august 1992, zodia ei este LEU, lucrează la o firmă, are un copil pe nume ...... și este oarecum șefa casei. cumnatul meu: Are 41 ani, este născut pe data de 30 septembrie 1977, zodia lui este BALANȚA, nu lucra, are un copil pe nume .......Nepotul meu: Are 2 ani, este născut pe 24 octombrie 2016, zodia lui este scorpion. Mama mea locuiește alături de o sora mai mare decât mine în localitatea ....... .Va rog să-mi traduceţi ce am scris mai sus pana pe data de 13 septembrie!sunt noua pe aici! :)) și nu prea știu cum să procedez ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim

My family! I live with my sister, brother-in-law and nephew. I: I am 13 years old, I was born on October 21, 2005, my zodiac sign is BALANCE, I am 8th grade and I study at school ........ .., I like to sleep, draw and play on the phone, most of the time I spend it with my nephew.My sister: She is 27 years old, was born on August 10, 1992, her zodiac sign is LEU, she works at a company, has a child by name ...... and is somewhat the head of the house. my brother-in-law: He is 41 years old, he was born on September 30, 1977, his sign is BALANCE, he did not work, he has a child by name ....... My nephew: He is 2 years old, he was born on October 24, 2016, his sign is a scorpion. My mother lives with a bigger sister than me in the town.....

Răspuns de Soominnie


My family!I live with my sister,her husband and their kid.I have 13 years,I was born in 21 October 2005 and I m a libra. I m in the 8th grade and I study at school. I like to sleep,to draw and to surf the internet.The most of my time I spend it with my nephew.My sister has 27 years .She was born in 10 august 1992.She is a leo.She works in a company and she has a child named ....She is the boss in the house. My brother-in-law has 41 years,he was born in 30 September 1977 .He is an libra.He doesn't work and he has a kid named.....My nephew has 2 years,he was born in 24 october 2016 and he is a scorpio.My mother lives with my biggest sister in.......

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