Engleza, întrebare adresată de marcus55, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs:
* carve,

1 Kate's dress was..........by Sarah Burton.

2 Have you ever had your portrait...........?

3 James Cameron will...............
the sequel to his film, Avatar.

4 Last year Tom...........
in the school production of King Lear.

5 He ...........................
human figures using clay.

6 William's hobby is ...................
small statues out of wood.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lidarani


1. designed

2. drawn

3. direct

4. acted

5. sculpts

6. to carve


1. was este la past tense, se foloseste cu Verb la forma a III-a ( terminatia ed sau forma speciala)

2. Past perfect

3. Future tense, Will + V la infinitivul scurt (fara to, infinitivul lung e cu to gen to go , to eat)

4. verbul la past tense, avem referinta de timp in trecut.

5. Se pune present tense, fiind o actiune generala, un hobby.

6 infinitivul lung, il urmeaza pe is, fiind aici un complement.

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