Engleza, întrebare adresată de razvanlaza, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the spaces with the correct forms of these regular verbs in simple past tense Example: 1/ You/We/ They / He/She / It (clean) cleaned on Monday. 1) I (clean) clined my car on Monday 2) You (walk) three miles on Tuesday. 3) We (cook) lunch on Wednesday. 4) They (sew) curtains on Thursday. 5) He (film) the movie on Friday. Ooo 6) She (play) chess on Saturday. 7) It (rest) from its work on Sunday.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de OmulPixel

Hei! :)

1. cleaned;

2. walked;

3. cooked;

4. sewed;

5. filmed;

6. played;

7. rested.

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