Engleza, întrebare adresată de anastasiacaraiman, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the suitable verbs: will, won’t, would or wouldn’t. 1. What _____________ you do if you won lots of money? 2. If you make so much noise, I _________________ be able to work. 3. Hurry up or you _______________ miss the bus. 4. They ___________________ have to repair the car now if you hadn’t broken it. 5. If she had locked all the doors, the burglars _____________ have got it. 6. I ____________ take a taxi if my train is late. 7. If you are a good girl, I ____________ buy you a nice present. 8. Robin ____________ finish the work if you don’t help him. 9. You _____________ understand unless you listen carefully. 10. If you could have a superhero’s power, which one ______ it be?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de habarnuam11


1. would

2. won't

3. will

4. wouldn't

5. would

6. will

7. will

8. won't

8. won't

10. would

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