Engleza, întrebare adresată de gabbriela19, 8 ani în urmă

Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using either the past perfect or the past simple tenses.

1 By the time we got to the cinema the film ______________ ( start), so we missed the first five minutes.

2 When I rang the bell there was no answer. The neighbour told me that they ______________ (go out) about half an hour ago.

3 I saw Casablanca for the first time last night. I ______________ (never, see) it before.

4 After I (have) ______ a huge lunch, I (feel)____ fat.

5 I spent a week in Miami recently. I (never,be) ______________ there before.

6 There was so much to see in Toledo. I wanted to see everything but I (not,have) ______________ enough time.

7 She told me she (buy) ______ a new car.

8 When he arrived, Eve wasn't there. She (leave) ____ about five minutes before.

9 When we (arrive) _____ back in Spain, they (lose) ____ our lagguage.

10 When I (get back) _____, nobody (do) _____ the washing up. I was furious.

11 After he ( start) ___ the lesson I (leave) ____
12 I (be) _____ very happy after I (finish) _____ my lesson.
13 As soon as he (mend, reparieren) ______ the old watch it (break) ______again
14 Everybody (leave) ______ the house by the time (come) ____ home.
15 I (buy) _____ a new car because some thieves (steal) ______ my old one.
16 It (not,be) ____ his first trip to the mountais, he (be) ____ there many times before
17 My teacher (ask) ________ me why I (not,do) ____ my homework
18 She (not, know) ____ him for a long time when she (marry) ___ him
19 These shoes (be) _______ very clean vecause our housemaid (clean) _____ them.
20 Yesterday afternoon I (go) ____ downtown and I (meet) ____ Peter.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nicolas100896
1. started
2.get out
3.never semen it
4.had, feld
5.never been

Răspuns de neko915

1. had started

2. had gone out

3. had never seen

4. had, felt

5. had never been

6. didn't have

7. had bought

8. had left

9. arrived, had lost

10. got, had done

11. started, had left

12. was, finished

13. had mended, broke

14. had left, came

15. bought, stole

16. wasn't, had been

17. asked, didn't do

18. hadn't known, married

19. were, had cleaned

20. went, met

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