Engleza, întrebare adresată de Fulger12345678, 8 ani în urmă

go shopping, play football, listen to music , meet my friends, read comics, ride my bike, stay up late, surf the internet ,talk on the phone, watch TV.propozitie cu fiecare expresie,folosind prezent simplu in engleza dau coroane e urgent va rog sa ma ajutati​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de arsenealexandra6

Răspuns:I go shopping every month because I love to change my wardrobe.

My brother plays football almost everyday because he wants to be very good.

My grandfather listen to classical music and he says that it reminds him of old times.

I usually read comicd when I am sad because it makes me feel a lot better.

I ride my byke as often as I can because It is a healthy sport that I like.

Sometimes I stay up late enough because I want to study medicine and I am determined to fulfill my dream.

They surf the internet everytime when they want to find out new information about universe.

My sister talks on the phone everytime she feels lonely.

My dad/father watches TV every sunday evening at nine because he doesn't want to miss the basketball game.

Explicație:Hope it will help you!

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