Engleza, întrebare adresată de katymari224, 8 ani în urmă

> When you write an essay.
think about the appropriate
register and tone for the
question you are answering.
Who is going to read your

In your essay, you must
describe the general idea
What information should
you give? Is it necessary to
mention who you are in this
What is the reason for writing
the essay? What effect do
you want it to have on the
reader? What do you hope to
achieve by writing it? Do you
want to convince the reader
about anything? Think about
the language you will need to
achieve this goal.
The notes and opinions
provide you with information.
and you can develop your
own arguments around them.
Your class has attended a lecture on what governments could do to minimise the
use of fossil fuels. You have made the notes below.
Methods of minimising the use of fossil fuels
• increaing taxes on petrol
increasing use of nuclear energy
Some opinions expressed in the
'Is the technology for recycling
adequately developed?'
'Increased taxation will not be a
sufficient deterrent."
'Nuclear energy is too risky."
Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the methods in your notes. You
should explain which method you think is more important for governments to
consider, and provide reasons to support your opinion.
You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but
you should use your own words as far as posibile


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lucianitu


I believe that recycling is the more important method for governments to consider when attempting to minimize the use of fossil fuels. While the technology for recycling may not be perfectly developed, it is a process that has been shown to be effective in reducing the amount of waste that is produced. Additionally, recycling can be done on a variety of materials, making it a more versatile solution than other methods.

Nuclear energy, while potentially a more effective solution than recycling, is simply too risky to be relied upon. The dangers of nuclear accidents are well-documented, and the potential for a meltdown is simply too great to justify its use. Additionally, the process of storing nuclear waste is still not perfected, and there is the potential for leakage and contamination.

Increased taxes on petrol may act as a deterrent to some, but it is not a sustainable solution. The price of petrol would likely increase dramatically, which would disproportionately impact those who are already struggling to make ends meet. In addition, increased taxes are often unpopular and can lead to political backlash.

Ultimately, I believe that recycling is the most important method for governments to consider when attempting to minimize the use of fossil fuels. It is a versatile solution that can be implemented now, and it does not come with the same risks as nuclear energy.

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