Engleza, întrebare adresată de Florentina2000, 9 ani în urmă

Guess the noun wich goes with the adjectives,then use them to describe the place you spent your holidays last year.
1. trendy ,expensive, secound-hand,souvenir s_ _ _
2.narrow,busy,winding,cobbled s_ _ _ _ _
3.luxury,family,five-star,Victorian h _ _ _ _
4.delicious,local,gourmet c _ _ _ _ _ _
5.rocky,snow-capped m _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6.exotic,tropical,desert i _ _ _ _ _

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de antonio9990

Welcome to Brainly (▰˘v˘▰)

Guess the noun which goes with the adjectives,  then use them to describe the place you spent your  holidays last year.

Ghiceste substantivul care se potriveste cu adjectivele, apoi foloseste-le pentru a descrie locul în care ti-ai petrecut vacantele anul trecut.

  1. clean, sandy, dirty, secluded b e a c h
  2. trendy, expensive, second-hand, souvenir s h o p
  3. narrow, busy, winding, cobbled s t r e e t
  4. luxury, family, five-star, Victorian h o t e l
  5. delicious, local, gourmet c u i s i n e
  6. rocky, snow-capped m o u n t a i n
  7. exotic, tropical, desert i s l a n d
  1. curat, nisipos, murdar, retras, plaja
  2. la modă, scump, la mana a doua, magazin
  3. îngust, ocupat, șerpuitor, pietruit, strada
  4. luxos, familie, cinci stele, Stil Victorian, hotel
  5. delicios, local, mancacios, bucatarie
  6. stâncoase, acoperit de zăpadă, munte
  7. exotic, tropical, deșertuos, insula

1. Last year I went to a tropical island in the Caribbean. It  was great. I spent most of my days on the sandy beaches.

  • Anul trecut am mers pe o insulta tropicala din Caraibe. A fost grozav. Mi-am petrecut mare parte din zile pe plajele nisipoase.

2. Last year I've been in a trendy place in the Spain. I took a souvenir from a  shop for my mom.

  • Anul trecut am fost intr-un loc la moda in Spania. Am luat un suvenir dintr-un magazin pentru mama.

3. Last year I went to Rome to see the Colosseum. It was nice but the street was very cobbled.

  • Anul trecut am fost in Roma pentru a vedea Coloseumul. A fost dragut dar strada era foarte pietruita.

4. Last year i was in Romania for a few days, I stayed in a hotel with a Victorian style.

  • Anul trecut am fost in Romania pentru cateva zile, am stat intr-un hotel cu un stil Victorian.

5. Last year, after I took a slice of pizza in Paris, It was very difficult for the chef to take me out of the cuisine.

  • Anul trecut, dupa ce am gustat o bucata de pizza in Paris, a fost extrem de dificil pentru chef sa ma scoata afara din bucatarie.

6. Last year, a friend invited me to Mount Everest. I accepted instantly because I really love the snow.

  • Anul trecut, un prieten m-a invitat intr-o excursie pe Muntele Everest. Am acceptat instant deoarece iubesc cu adevarat zapada.

7. Last year I've been in a exotic island to see the Ocean.

  • Anul trecut am fost pe o insula exotica pentru a vedea Oceanul.
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