Guess the noun wich goes with the adjectives,then use them to describe the place you spent your holidays last year.
1. trendy ,expensive, secound-hand,souvenir s_ _ _
2.narrow,busy,winding,cobbled s_ _ _ _ _,family,five-star,Victorian h _ _ _ _
4.delicious,local,gourmet c _ _ _ _ _ _
5.rocky,snow-capped m _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6.exotic,tropical,desert i _ _ _ _ _
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Welcome to Brainly (▰˘v˘▰)
Guess the noun which goes with the adjectives, then use them to describe the place you spent your holidays last year.
Ghiceste substantivul care se potriveste cu adjectivele, apoi foloseste-le pentru a descrie locul în care ti-ai petrecut vacantele anul trecut.
- clean, sandy, dirty, secluded b e a c h
- trendy, expensive, second-hand, souvenir s h o p
- narrow, busy, winding, cobbled s t r e e t
- luxury, family, five-star, Victorian h o t e l
- delicious, local, gourmet c u i s i n e
- rocky, snow-capped m o u n t a i n
- exotic, tropical, desert i s l a n d
- curat, nisipos, murdar, retras, plaja
- la modă, scump, la mana a doua, magazin
- îngust, ocupat, șerpuitor, pietruit, strada
- luxos, familie, cinci stele, Stil Victorian, hotel
- delicios, local, mancacios, bucatarie
- stâncoase, acoperit de zăpadă, munte
- exotic, tropical, deșertuos, insula
1. Last year I went to a tropical island in the Caribbean. It was great. I spent most of my days on the sandy beaches.
- Anul trecut am mers pe o insulta tropicala din Caraibe. A fost grozav. Mi-am petrecut mare parte din zile pe plajele nisipoase.
2. Last year I've been in a trendy place in the Spain. I took a souvenir from a shop for my mom.
- Anul trecut am fost intr-un loc la moda in Spania. Am luat un suvenir dintr-un magazin pentru mama.
3. Last year I went to Rome to see the Colosseum. It was nice but the street was very cobbled.
- Anul trecut am fost in Roma pentru a vedea Coloseumul. A fost dragut dar strada era foarte pietruita.
4. Last year i was in Romania for a few days, I stayed in a hotel with a Victorian style.
- Anul trecut am fost in Romania pentru cateva zile, am stat intr-un hotel cu un stil Victorian.
5. Last year, after I took a slice of pizza in Paris, It was very difficult for the chef to take me out of the cuisine.
- Anul trecut, dupa ce am gustat o bucata de pizza in Paris, a fost extrem de dificil pentru chef sa ma scoata afara din bucatarie.
6. Last year, a friend invited me to Mount Everest. I accepted instantly because I really love the snow.
- Anul trecut, un prieten m-a invitat intr-o excursie pe Muntele Everest. Am acceptat instant deoarece iubesc cu adevarat zapada.
7. Last year I've been in a exotic island to see the Ocean.
- Anul trecut am fost pe o insula exotica pentru a vedea Oceanul.