Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Hei, mă puteți ajuta vă rog
Faceți propoziții cu verbele:
eat. - ate - eaten

meet - met. - met

do - did - done

drink - drank - drunk

have - had - had

leave - left - left

can - could

go - went - gone

sing - sang - sung

speak - spoke - spoken​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de laracarinatanase
I usually meet my grandmother at the shopping mall on Tuesdays but now she doesn’t go there anymore. The first time I met my grandfather was when I had my 8th birthday. I do my homework in the evening. I did my homework while you were gone shopping. I’ve done my math homework already. I drink at least 8 cups of water every day. I drank the juice while we were watching the movie. I have drunk all of the milk in the fridge. I have curly hair. I had a yellow pencil but I threw it in the garbage bin accidentally. I leave school at 2 pm. I left home to go buy a new backpack.

laracarinatanase: I can run really fast. I could have given her a pencil but I didn’t.
laracarinatanase: I go to school every week day. I went to the shop to buy a book.
laracarinatanase: I’ve gone to sleep at 3 am.
laracarinatanase: She can sing beautifully. She sang in the shower. She has sung the Canadian anthem.
laracarinatanase: I can speak English. I spoke to my teacher after I finished the exam. I have spoken to my teacher already.
Răspuns de xiaodejunie

Salut! ♡

1. He is going to eat after the meeting.

2. Mary ate a delicious cake.

3. Andrew shouldn't have eaten too much ice cream.

1. Sarah is going to meet Alexandra in the nearest park.

2. Me and my best friend met our idol.

3. Yesterday I met an old friend from kindergarten.

1. I am going to do my laundry.

2. Anastasia did her homework for school.

3. He have done his work for today.

1. My mom is going to drink a fresh smoothie.

2. We drank a lot of juice at the party.

3. John was so drunk last night.

1. We are going to have a fun day at school.

2. Tom had a beautiful birthday with his family and friends.

3. Antony had a interesting fashion style.

1. He is going to leave the country.

2. She left the building five minutes ago.

3. We left the school at 6am.

1. Johnny can speak french really well.

2. I wish i could eat a cake.

1. I want to go outside but its raining.

2. She went out with her best friend.

3. They have gone to the pool.

1. She is going to sing on the stage live.

2. I sang at the concert with the artists.

3. He have sung at the celebration.

1. He is going to speak with his grandmother on the phone.

2. The last time I spoke with my mom was yesterdat.

3. I had spoken to my sister about the important meeting.


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